Four horror films you should NEVER watch!

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Horror is probably the hardest movie genre to nail, no wonder in their attempt to scare us many filmmakers resort to gruesome scenes and rivers of fake blood.

Here is the short list of the most disturbing horror movies.

Human Centipede

A crazy scientist kidnaps three tourists and turns them into a human centipede by stitching their mouths to each others' rectums.


WHYYY?? Why would you film something like that? Why would anyone watch it?

Reason to watch: …….

Reason NOT to watch: Once seen can’t be unseen. Or forgotten. Scenes from this movie going to hunt you at least couple weeks after.   

Image result for Martyrs 
Is there a good enough reason to support a gruesome murder of a nice suburb family with two kids?  You might be surprised with an answer.


Reason to watch: Thought incredibly gory, this movie has an interesting plot and great acting. Also, it was screened at Cannes Film Festival.

Reason NOT to watch: So terrifying that it took me three attempts to watch it till the end. If you thought the new It was scary maybe watch something else.

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Crazy serial killers creates torturous  traps for people he finds complacent or guilty to give them a chance to “save their souls” and make them to find new appreciation for life.

Reason to watch: Iconic franchise that created a modern wave of the “torture-porn” movies. 

Reason NOT to watch: makes you question your own sense of morality.
I Spit on Your Grave
A New York writer comes to riverside cabin to seek new inspiration and gets assaulted by a group of four men who then leave her to die in the woods. Unfortunately for them she survives


Reason to watch: the second part of the movie leaves you incredibly satisfied. One of the best “last girl” films I ever saw.

Reason NOT to watch: Terrifying in the whole different sense of the word. Might make you want to stay away from all the males including your dad and grandpa.

What is the one horror film you wish you have never watched? Tell me in the comment section


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