Top scariest short horror films

Image result for Bedfellows" - Award Winning Short Horror Film
Who has time to watch how some blond girl is being gutted for two hours? Luckily you don`t have to! This list of short horror films will prove to you that longer doesn’t mean better.

Lights out

 Warning it does has a jump scare, but a very tasteful one 😀, if you like it check out the other movies this film director makes. They are extremely well made on a low budget. 



2AM: The Smiling Man

Strangers smiling right at you can make you feel uncomfortable even during the day, but when a weird man is walking towards you with a weird smile on his face it becomes creepy beyond any point. 


I think everyone saw a screenshot from this movie, but maybe not everyone has already watched. One of the scariest short films in my opinion.


Attic Panic

Another great short film from David s Sundberg.


This movie plot probably comes straight out of my nightmares.



  1. Love your blog! I'm definitely not a fan of jump-scares, so I appreciate the warning.


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